After buying and installing a Lockly smart lock on the door, you need to program the lock to make it functional. There are different models of Lockly Smart Lock available in the market. Still, the programming method is universal for all Lockly smart locks (all Lockly smart locks run on the same operating system).
I have done a quick research about how to program a Lockly smart lock, and here’s what I know.
The Lockly smart lock can be programmed in two ways, using the Lockly Smart App or by clicking the programming button of the lock. Programming using the app is easier compared to manual programming.
I have explained both programming methods step-by-step in this article, so read on to learn more about it.
Lockly Smart Lock Manual Programming Instructions
The New Lockly smart lock comes pre-programmed with a default six-digit access code, i.e., 123456. However, the default access code will be deleted when the lock is reprogrammed. Follow the step-by-step guidelines to program the Lockly smart lock-
- Step 1: Remove the battery compartment of the lock- inside the battery compartment, you will find two buttons 1. Reset Button 2. Programming-Button.
- Step 2: Click on the programming button to enable programming mode.
- Step 3: On the lock screen, you will see three options, i.e., 1AD, 2DE & 3CH.
- Step 4: Click on 1AD–>Pd to add a new access code.
- Step 5: Enter the 6-8 digit unique access code and click on the home button.
- Step 6: Re-enter the same access code again.
- Step 7: A new code will be displayed on the screen after re-entering the access code. Click “Y” on the screen to confirm and finish the setup.
Note: If Lockly smart lock is connected to Lockly smart app on your phone, previous access code data will be transferred to the app. However, if you want to add or delete a new access code, it should be done from the app (the manual programming option will be disabled once connected to the app).
How to Program Lockly Smart Lock Using App?

To program the Lockly smart lock using the Lockly smart app, you will also require the initial code that comes with the lock (the initial code can be found on the card within the lock package). Once you have the initial code, you can follow the step-by-step procedure of programming lockly smart lock using the app:
- Download the lockly smart app from the Google play store or Apple store.
- Open the app and click on “Add New Device.”
- Click on the type of lockly lock you are using, i.e., Secure Latch Edition, Secure Deadbolt Edition, or Secure LUX Pro.
- Enable the Bluetooth function indicator from the app and phone settings and click on “Get Started.”
- The app will show nearby available Bluetooth devices; select the device that starts with the name- Lockly.
- After choosing the device, enter the initial code and press “Connect.”
- Enter the admin code (6 to 8 digits) and click “Next Step.”
- Re-enter the admin code again by pressing the keypad shown on the app’s screen.
- A popup message will be displayed on the screen. To confirm, click “Ok.”
- Enter the lock serial number and click Ok.
- The app will display the lock’s status, i.e., Closed or open, using a display button.
- Click on the display button to close or open the door.
Note: If the lock is manually programmed, it’s good to reset the lock before adding the lock to the Lockly Smart App. I have explained the complete resetting method of the lockly smart lock in a separate article.
How to Add Multiple Access Codes to My Lockly Smart Lock?
Multiple access codes can be added using 2 methods 1. Using the Physical programming button 2. From Lockly smart app.
Using The Programming Button
If the lock is not connected to the app, multiple access code can be added by clicking the physical programming button. The physical programming button is located inside the battery compartment. Click the programming button once and enter your previous access or default access code. Now, on the screen, you will see three options, i.e., 1AD, 2OE, and 3CH. To add a new access code, click 2OE, enter a 6 to 8-digit access code, and click the home button of the lock. To finish the setup procedure, re-entre the aces code again and click “Y” on the screen to confirm.
Note: This method of adding a new access code only works if the lock is not connected to lockly smart app.
From Lockly Smart App
To add a unique access code from the app, go to the app setting. At the app setting, you will find an option- “Add Access code”- click on the button, add a 6 to 8-digit access code, and click Ok. Then, re-enter the access code using the keypad displayed on the app and click Y to confirm.
Remember: Once the smart lock is connected to the app, adding or deleting access code should now be controlled from the app., for example: adding user access code, deleting user access code, locking & unlocking the lock, resetting the lock, etc.
Final words
Lockly Smart Lock is one step ahead compared to other types of smart locks, and its security is second to none. The programming method is straightforward; you can program the lock with a few clicks from your smartphone. In addition, unlimited access code can be added to this smart lock, which means if you have a large family, everyone can use their unique code to unlock the door.